Save Money With Our Local Business Directory

Choose from an assortment of Square Deals, Offers and Coupons and add them to your cart. Checkout is FREE and you receive an Itemized Invoice to use for redemption at the point of sale. Our goal is to raise awareness of our local area and to add value to the Macomb Square visitor experience. We offer a unique marketing service to Macomb Square businesses and opportunities to save money for consumers through our local business directory.

Michael’s Hair Designers Gets Listed

Thankyou Michael’s Hair Designers for getting listed with the Macomb Square Directory.Michael’s Hair Designers offers

Parnassus Antiques Gets Listed

Thankyou Parnassus Antiques for getting listed with the Macomb Square Directory. Parnassus Antiques & Curios

309 Wild Daisies Boutique Gets Listed

Thankyou 309 Wild Daisies Boutique for getting listed with the Macomb Square Directory. 309 Wild

The R&R Spa Gets Listed

Thankyou R&R Spa for getting listed with the Macomb Square Directory. The R&R Spa is

Macomb Square Music Gets Listed

Thankyou Macomb Square Music for getting listed with the Macomb Square Directory. Macomb Square Music

Rubix Vape Gets Listed

Thankyou Rubix Vape for getting listed with the Macomb Square Directory. Rubix has all of

The Bird’s Nest Gets Listed

Thankyou to The Bird’s Nest for getting listed with the Macomb Square Directory. The Bird’s

Nostalgia Gifts Gets Listed

Thankyou Nostalgia Gifts for getting listed with the Macomb Square Directory. Nostalgia Decor & Gifts

New Copperfield’s Gets Listed

Thankyou New Copperfield’s for getting listed with the Macomb Square Directory. New Copperfield’s Book Service

Sullivan Taylor Coffee House Gets Listed

Thankyou Sullivan Taylor Coffee House for getting listed with the Macomb Square Directory. Macomb’s longest